Reiki Healing Services

Explore the ways Reiki can help you live
a fuller more peaceful life

Just for today…

In person full Reiki Session.

My full Reiki session lasts between 80~90 minutes. You’ll spend the entire session lying fully clothed on a treatment table in a very zen~warm & nurturing environment. I spend the first 10 minutes relaxing the body from tension and let you feel into your body so you can breath and surrender to the Reiki healing. I use crystals, sound cancelling headphones with light healing music.

During the session, I will place my hands lightly on or near your body in a series of hand positions, including positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and the feet, as well as other positions based on the client’s needs. Each hand position is held for roughly 3 to 10 minutes, depending on how much the client needs in each position.

Expect to feel deeply relaxed during the session. You’ll likely daydream, and you may even fall into a light sleep. “Sometimes people will say, ‘Oh, I fell asleep,’ but I’m not sure it’s physiological sleep,” Kristin says. Instead, I believe people enter a deep meditative state that helps restore the nervous system.

Group Reiki Healing Experience

Group Reiki Healing Experience is meant to support you, and your well-being. With the world so full of uncertainty, stress, and fear, many of us might be feeling the weight of the collective energy, in addition to our own challenges and stresses of day-to-day life. Group Reiki is an opportunity to enter into sacred space, and receive some healing and restorative Reiki energy.

These two-hour sessions are perfect for anyone who would like to experience energy healing and mindfulness in a budget conscious way. Many have felt like they are being held in a gentle healing energy, stagnant energy clearing away, and/or see light and experience subtle sensations in their body.

Each session will begin with a short meditation, and then each person will receive Reiki energy healing with any intuitive messages I may receive. Very powerful and magical. 

Class size is limited to 8 participants, with at least 4 for scheduling. Cost is $40. per person

Everything provided so just come in something comfortable, feel free to bring a favorite stone or anything else that feels right for your heart.   Maybe even think of an intention or come with a blank slate.  The Reiki will go to where your body/soul is most calling.  

I look forward to our time, holding space and creating friendship. Please call me at 406~253~6796 with further questions.

Distant Reiki Session.


Energy healings can be offered in-person or distantly. Remote sessions are just as powerful and effective as in-person sessions. Here are 4 reasons why Distant Reiki works:

Our energies are intermingled and boundless. Individual auras are connected and we’re essentially a grid of energies. When we shift our energy, it creates a ripple effect through the collective consciousness, reaching the exact people who are open to receiving it.

Since energy travels with intention, and intentions create reality, we can reshape our inner and outer wellbeing with the power of our own mind and heart. By simply intending to support others, life force begins to flow.

Reiki practitioners are attuned to the distance healing symbol which allows them to send reiki across time and space. With the sacred mantra and symbol, Reiki practitioners can send healing to people, places, and events from the past, present and future. While we can not change the past, we can change our perspective and emotions around it. We can call back any power that we might have lost in the past. We can create our future, by choosing our vibration in the present.

Consider that there are a host of things that we cannot see but we know they exist. For example, we cannot see wi-fi, radio or cellular phone signals but we experience their presence. Similarly, you may not comprehend how Reiki travels, but you may feel it’s presence.


It is done in a variety of ways that Kristin will go over with you on the phone before the session ~

Healing begins with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual goals. We discuss your current blocks, as well as what you hope to gain from this experience. From there, Kristin will guide you into a relaxing state to help your mind and body become receptive to energy balancing.

As Krisitn shares energy, you may feel warmth, coolness, tingling, or deep relaxation. After the session, you may feel refreshed, uplifted or lighter. As you’re detoxing for the next 1-2 days, you may also feel tired, and need extra rest and hydration. Every person reacts to Reiki slightly differently, and every session is unique.

After the energetic alignment, Kristin will share her observations from your chakras as well as any intuitive messages that may have come up during the session. She will answer your questions regarding your energy field and discuss ways in which you can continue to balance your chakras with crystals, meditations, and lifestyle changes.